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This book examines the many facets of cooperative behavior in primates and humans as some of the worlds leading experts review and summarize the state-of-the-art of theoretical and empirical studies of cooperation. This book is the...
139,09 € *
Conflict appears in many forms, from a dictator terrorizing his country to organized crime demanding protection money. Questions and issues addressed in this text include: the conditions which make conflict severe; whether voluntary...
106,99 € *

- Provide up-to-date knowledge about the nature of school violence, its etiology, epidemiology, and impact - Analyzes school violence through a multicultural and international perspective - The lead editor, Florence Denmark, is an...
117,69 € *

It is a pleasure to write this Foreword to the second, expanded edition of Ian Blackshaws well-respected book on the extra-judicial settlement of sports disputes through mediation and arbitration. Prof Blackshaw is a master of his...
171,19 € *
A unique collaboration between experts in cognitive psychotherapy and political science, this book emphasizes the value of human psychology in negotiation and mediation. Drawing on a wide range of theory and data, from neuroscientific...
90,94 € *
Nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 wurden die Parameter der amerikanischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik grundlegend revidiert. Als neues Paradigma firmiert seither die Bush-Doktrin, die den präventiven Einsatz von Gewalt...
31,90 € *
Central to the book are questions concerning the existence and the characteristics of justice motives, and concerning the influence that justice motives and justice judgements have on the emergence, but also the solution of social...
149,79 € *
In recent years, peace psychology has grown from a utopian idea to a means of transforming societies worldwide. Yet at the same time peacebuilding enjoys global appeal, the diversity of nations and regions demands interventions...
277,13 € *
This is the first systematic comparative study into how consumer ADR systems (usually ombudsmen and médiateurs) work, the differing national architectures within which they operate, and how they can be improved. It describes ADR schemes...
68,00 € *

The Control of Violence in Modern Society, starts from the hypothesis that in modern society we will face an increasing loss of control over certain phenomena of violence. This leads to unpredictable escalations and violence can no...
181,89 € *